

23 Months?

Ok I seriously need to find my SanDisk Reader so that I can post pictures on here. LOL it's been months since I said I would do it.
Well either way here's a video, shot today and I must admit my hair has grown A LOT, and I'm "luvin it" -2 Snaps- Today the front half of my head is a month away from being 2 years old. Tomorrow will be the back halfs. Wow, seems sort of surreal.
Notice anything different about me in this video?
I'll tell you what it is during the next post.


Locs2Envy said...

Hey Ms. D.

Ok, not sure if that ring has always been on that finger that you were flipping around or not but I'll wager a guess and say that it was not. Are you engaged? I know you didn't get married with all of the other stuff that you have going on...surely you didn't plan a wedding also...

Well, if you are engaged or married, congratulations and best wishes to you and whoever the lucky fella is...hopefully it isn't Mr. but if it is, blessings still...

V @ Locks-N-Motion said...

Finally I found your blog, for some reason the old link wasn't working.

I agree with Nihu once you asked if there was anything different. I started scheming for clues, and I couldn't help but notice that big rock on your left ring finger, lol.

If that is what it is, congratulations!

YOur locks look wonderful!

CheLouissaint said...

Nihu & Lady ButtahFly!!!

Happy New Year!

LOL As for the ring...check out my latest youtube video, DivaTV should have it.

Locs2Envy said...

LMAO...Happy New Year Diva. I surely didn't notice the make up..probably since I am not a make up person

Love the hair.