

Let's Try Something New

Grrr, it took me forever to upload this but finally it's up even though it's now going to be broadcast through youtube rather than blogger. Soon the world will know my name....mwahahah, not quite but enjoy a new aspect of my musing.

Video introduction: I almost got hit by a semi truck driving home from work Monday night so I'm still afraid of driving on the highway at night when it's raining and it's been raining quite a bit so this is me at home after trying to do yoga using the video on demand service through my cable provider. 



What's Happening?

Guess where I just came from? If you guess the gym then ding ding ding
you are correct. You win 50 push ups get to it!! LOL One of my co-workers finally signed up for the gym and he asked me to work out with him today so that's what we did, even though the plan was to work out this morning we went after work. My arms are sore, but I've been neglecting the blog so I decided to go ahead and tuff it out.
I wish I could say yeah I've been killing it at the gym but see what had happened was...Okay, so after being worked until it hurt I tried going back the next day but Hurricane Ike had other plans with all the rain that it was giving that day so I skipped death and decided I would work out Wednesday. I don't know what happened but I never made it back to the gym. I didn't make it back until the 15th...I took a morning power walk and I made it 1.42 miles ended with a few lunges had breakfast showered than headed to work. I had plans to attend the gym after work but then I found out that someone passed away AT THE GYM and the gym would be closing temporarily. That was kind of scary so I just went home. I wasn't able to work out the next day because of school but I did work out again after that I just can't remember when. Than last week Friday morning I did my abs and one of the gym people helped me with the some excersices. He worked me out well but I didn't feel anything other than an adrenaline rush, than two days later it hit me and I felt like someone beat the mess out of my stomach. I was going to go back but that evil curse of womanhood reared it's nasty little head and I'm not quite cool with going to the gym during that time of the month yet. So I'd been working out at home until she went bye, bye. So I worked out at home until today. It's been a slow start for me but I'm trying to keep myself motivated, without a trainer, I don't have that type of money right now. I'm going to use the gym resources for free as long as I can maybe I'll get to the point where I won't need a trainer, maybe. There are a lot of online work out plans that I've been bookmarking and what I've done so far is to try and use every machine at the gym at least once by looking at the diagrams so that way I can familiarize myself with the place. It's scary being in there with all these experienced people. Shoot makes you want to just curl up in a corner and do the moves everyone had to learn in gym class and you know its fool proof.
In other news I washed my hair Thursday lol, I'm not good with washing my hair but with this new work out thingy I can't do the every two months thing. I'm going to have to move it up at least to every month. I hate washing my own hair!!! I rather have someone else do it the only good thing about washing my hair is seeing the length afterwards. So, I washed my hair and tried to do a roller set with perm rollers because I was going to Miami the next day and I was going to be on my old college campus I wanted to try something new. I suck with rollers but I guess it came out okay. It looked like old lady hair to me a bit too formal so I guess I'm going to stick to just simple braidouts until I get a bit more length. I kept pulling at it to relax the curls.
I'm coming up on my 9ths and my hair is really growing. I have to stop myself from smacking my back thinking there is a fly or something. It's great :) my cousin called me a few days ago after I'd text her a picture of my hair and she said she wanted to get her hair in sisterlocks. She has relaxed hair, so I had to give her some info because she thought it was something I'd done on my own. Chile boo me DIY? Not yet at least. Think she should look around some more before she decides to lock.
Hmmm...what else is there?
School is going great...I realized how much I missed being on a university campus when I went back to Miami so I'm looking forward to the spring semester, I want to live a real college student life get the full experience. Working full time will not rob me of the experience. I won't let it. That's about it I'm going to end this post here so that I can get some rest if I decide I'm going to work out before work tomorrow. I'll update my 1mths workout pics on the 8th.



I Hurt :(

Like I promised myself I went to the gym and actually worked out. I met with a personal trainer and explained some of the things that were important to me.
*Cardio, my number 1 priority is making sure my heart is in tip top shape.
*Gaining muscle mass- I weigh about 122 lbs, I wouldn't mind weighing in at 135 lbs if it was muscle and placed in the right places
* Toning...I want to reduce these humungous boobies (I think that hurt his feelings/ the look on his face was priceless a girl that wants to gain weight and lose boobs lol) abs of course, thighs, back, arms etc.
I want to be the bomb diggity basically...he asked me how serious I was about committing to this goal on a scale of 1-10 and I said a 15! Shoot I danced through out high-school and I was on the marching band I can take it. NOT I am in PAIN, and we only did a 30 minute work out. Squats, lunges, I don't even know all the technical names I just know that my body was all extra shaky and I couldn't even bring myself to drive at 70 mph cars were passing me. I'm a speeder I don't do below 70 on a highway. Than I couldn't bring myself to take my things out of the car, going up the stairs was painful I felt like I was learning to walk again. What happens if I choose him as my trainer?? AHHHH but the sick thing about it is, I can't WAIT to go back. lol
I'll try to update monthly. Pray for me y'all!!!
-DiVA 0ut ... home work is calling.


8 Months!

Woot Woot!! It's been eight months and I think I fell in love with my locks all over again. I had my hair re tightened Wednesday the 3rd, this time I didn't take pictures because I was thinking still no parts are showing other than that which lies in the middle, so I left it alone. Thursday I went to school like normal dressed in basketball shorts a white t-shirt and running shoes, didn't have to do much with my hair it was a low maintenance day for me as usual. Than Friday I woke up all extra early which allowed me added time for trying something new so I decided to try something with my hair. I loved it!!!! My hair looked locked I don't think anyone can mistake my hair for braids or twist anymore. I'm getting compliments everyday my family members say little things from time to time that let me know that they're starting to see the big picture and that just made me feel so good! So Friday night I went dancing with my sister and a couple friends and I wore a dress!!! That's a huge thing for me, I'll wear a pencil skirt or a dress shirt concoction with tights but it's been a while since I wore anything like this mini dress. My friends are always teasing me for being boyish and I know they would be proud to see me looking girlicious lol! (So of course I sent them all pictures) In the pictures with me are my sister in all her natural glory and her friend who is like a big brother to me :)

Hairy legs and a mini dress don't mesh well but I've been keeping with the waxing so I can show more of my chicken legs. So the hair went from a work day to a night out dancing and it did quite well if I might add. The next day I took down one of the twist and I was surprised to see where my hair fell down to. Needless to say I was feeling myself. The style didn't last 3 days because I grew tired of the bobby pins digging into my scalp but I think it would've done fine. Also, look at my kitchen, one of my locks is purple!! LOL I guess it's because I tried to color in lint on that lock and I thought it was a black marker but I guess it was actually purple as the picture reveals. Click the picture to get a better look.

School is going great I'm enjoying the classes as of now, I'm playing my violin without the lessons there was a time conflict so I had to cancel :( I popped one of my strings while playing with a friend lol that was kind of funny guess the strings were tired of me. I've since had it repaired. My gym has FINALLY opened up so Monday I go for my fitness evaluation than I'll start doing my yoga, cardio and weight training. Look forward to some before pictures in an up coming post.
Now on to other news. I was recently tagged by Meikmeika, and I've been thinking about it daily since I saw the tag what 6 things I would share. I still don't know but I'm just going to try to work it out. I'm also trying to figure out who all hasn't been tagged but I still haven't found them so hopefully by the time I'm done writing this post I'll have a few people to tag. So here are the rules:

1) Link to the person that tagged you: Meikmeika
2) Post the rules on the blog
3) Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.

** I've only kissed one guy he wasn't my boyfriend, and today is actually the 7yr anniversary of the last kiss that we shared LOL! Crazy for remembering it but I do because he was my best friend and first so called love. 09/07/01 He's now married and expecting his first child with his wife. Haven't kissed anyone since him and he doesn't know it.

** I have no fashion since what so ever!! As you can tell from what I wore to school on Thursday. I love basketball shorts, wife beaters, sweatshirts/pants, boy shorts, socks and sports bras. If I can't be naked that's all I can come up with on my own. My family members are always giving me a make over that rarely ever last a few days. lol I'm trying to do better though now that I'm getting older.

**I have a crush on Jet Li! LOL and Wong on Law and Order SVU, and the Chairman on Iron Chef and a couple other Asian men lol!

**I tried the online romance family and close friends are the only ones that know about it. It wasn't really online dating, because like I've stated before I never had a boyfriend; it was just one guy that I spoke to for months than I told my famillia that I thought I may want to pursue a relationship with this guy. He spoke to my mother and everything but I never met him it lasted 2.5 years as sort of pin pals and communication ceased recently . Being from an old school Haitian family I don't know what I was thinking but I did it, don't regret it, I've learned from it but I wouldn't recommend it. My family still makes fun of me for it but I'm grateful that they supported me :)

**I listen to NPR radio, I rarely find other people my age that admit to it but I love it. I get my classical music fix, and I'm enlightened on topics effecting the world rather than just the redundant celeb gossip.

**I have recently fallen in love....with reality TV lol...I watch : I Love Money, Making the Band, any dance competition shows, design shows on Bravo, Baldwin Hills and ANTM. My DVR makes it all possible.

Oh my GOODERNESS it took FOREVER for me to come up with those 6 things.

4) Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.

1.Diary of a Thin Hair Sister aka Helgalocks
6. Any one that hasn't been tagged! :)

-DiVA 0ut!