

Let's Try Something New

Grrr, it took me forever to upload this but finally it's up even though it's now going to be broadcast through youtube rather than blogger. Soon the world will know my name....mwahahah, not quite but enjoy a new aspect of my musing.

Video introduction: I almost got hit by a semi truck driving home from work Monday night so I'm still afraid of driving on the highway at night when it's raining and it's been raining quite a bit so this is me at home after trying to do yoga using the video on demand service through my cable provider. 



Anonymous said...

GREAT JOB!!! There is nothing wrong with getting half way through. Yoga is no joke! Having On Demand is awesome, my apartment complex has this bootleg cable, of which we can't Tivo, DVR, or get anything on Demand...sigh....

How'd you do this morning? Were you able to complete the full 40 mins?

Your locks look really good!!!

CheLouissaint said...

Meikmeika-Thank you!! Half way is better than not trying at all right? & Who you telling its like you're lifting your own body weight people think it's easy psshh! That sucks you can't get your own cable service?