

Yoga Update

Did I make it through the 40 minute work out? No, I didn't even get to do one minute of it, my brother is in town taking over the living room so I couldn't disturb him. (Really, he'd beat me up) When I came home from work the  program was no longer there, it only saved it for 24hrs. I'm going to find some beginner yoga baby steps, lol I see some A.M yoga maybe that's more calm, it's been a while so I guess I need to take it slow. I'm screening yoga episodes my brother and sister are laughing at me, screw them!  I will not be defeated, again baby steps. I'm going to post some pictures of me doing poses at a friends house back in 2006. I did it before I'm going to do it again, shoot!

I'm meeting with a friend at 6 am to work out so that I can learn proper form for weight lifting, I don't want to hurt myself trying to get fit that's not t
he goal at all.  I won't be experimenting with the yoga tonight other than some meditation to calm my anxiety right now. I have a midterm in my logics course tomorrow. I get test anxiety, it's like I psyche myself out. This is what was going through my mind an hour ago:

Inner voice: What if you get something simple wrong, the professor is going to be grading the paper like, dang she's not taking my course seriously.

 Diva to inner voice: Nah, he knows I'm a hard worker.

IV: Well he's going to be wondering why you're not seriously working hard to learn his material. You must not be smart.

D: I am, but I'm under a lot of stress...test are not my forte.

IV: He don't care about your stress he's just wondering why you missed all these questions.

D: I'm not going to miss a lot of questions, I'm going to do well.

IV: You better, because we don't fail.

D: We sure don't!

Yeah lol now, everyone is thinking I'm crazy. Don't act like you don't have conversations with yourself internally. (LMBO)

Ugh I have an orthodontist appointment, normally I binge eat because my mouth is going to be sore for like 3 days, but won't that defeat the purpose of this exercise stuff? Guess I need to stop at the grocery store in the morning get some mashed potatoes and soup.

 Nite nite!


Anonymous said...

WOW!!! How long were you doing Yoga before you were able to do those poses? If you already know what you're doing a DVD would work well.

CheLouissaint said...

5-6mths I think, I took the Art of Yoga and Meditation as an elective in college during the summer semester, that's when I first became really interested and started taking classes at the university gym. By Feb of 2007 I was trying to tackle the head stand. I should try looking for a 3 stage dvd you're right thanks!