

I DON'T Want Kids!!!

I mean I do but dang, I don't know if I can be a mother. Especially not to more than one child. Why you ask, well let me tell you::

So yesterday my sister calls me while I'm at work and tells me that my nephew that I haven't seen in months is over at the apartment. I immediately get excited because I know his birthday is Monday and because his mother and me (my other sister) are not "tight" I don't go to her house. That part is a long story but back to the real story...okay so I become immediately excited thinking out loud we can have a movie night slash slumber party. I can pick up my other two nephews and my niece was already at the apartment, slide through get some pizza. (Wallie, Kung Fu Panda, Iron Man) The nephew that I rarely see is going to be 3 on Monday, than the other three which are from my oldest sister are 2, 6, and a soon to be 9 years old.

Okay so I get them all to the house they're all excited chanting movie night, well the two oldest. The younger ones are sneaking off on a mission to mess something up! Finally we get them all on a blanket in front of the TV, serve the pizza and we start Kung Fu Panda. They were all good for the first 5 minutes of the movie before the youngest two lost focus and decide they want to play something else, occasionally turning back saying "ahh movie" (cute but annoying) The mini me of the two youngest is continually asking for "waaaaater" which scares me because he refuses to wear pull ups and I'm thinking he's going to just let it rip every where. (He made me aware that he used the potty and it was so cute watching the lil thing go, I didn't even know he was being potty trained) The oldest two are annoyed I'm ready to pull out my hair and my sister is laughing at me. I decided to just split them up the youngest is the ring leader anyway. That works until the nephew I rarely see, his mother comes to pick him up. She had no idea that we were having a slumber party slash movie night because we don't speak to her so she comes in and of course only the kids are speaking to her, she takes her son tells him to say good bye and my lil' bourgeoisie niece gets up and leaves too. (That's also another story) Okay so now I only have two that should be easier right? No, it wasn't finally we tired my youngest nephew out get him to sleep, my oldest sister doesn't have her kids in bed until 1 am and I don't play none of that so 10 pm was a bonus for my 6 year old nephew, I have him get ready for bed and we all go to sleep. Mind you I'm sore as hekk from working out, back to back the past three days. The floor is not doing nothing for me right now and the living room is freezing for some strange reason, I want to be in a dang bed not on the floor! Fast forward: Wake up in the morning I ask what's for breakfast? They choose peanut butter sammiches, apple sauce and a juice box. Kewl I can do that but the mini me did not want to sit down and eat! I had to follow him around taking things out of his hand wiping peanut butter off of the couch than finally when he sat down to eat the lil boy throws up on me!!!!!! (crying) I don't do throw up! But any how I catch it in my hands (yuck) some landing on my feet. Calmly I dump it out wash my hands and take him to the bathroom to shower him. At this point I'm chanting I don't want kids my sister is laughing, he finds it funny and I just want to curl up in a corner and cry. They have short attention spans, if the TV is on it's like they have no souls.My oldest nephew tries to do that nasty speed bath so I have to scrub him down to make sure he's actually clean..not trying to take him home to his parents with grime. My sister needs to get her kids a pedicure too because the toes were NOT the business...ewww kids and dirt. I can't have hyper active kids! I see why my oldest sister stays cleaning because she has all three of those rugrats over night everyday. I now understand why they were all excited for me to take them all at once. Never again, I'm going to stick to the 1 or 2 at a time.

Okay in other news, I know I was supposed to post up 1 month update pictures but I decided against it. I'm going to do it at 3 month intervals. I'm still working out; Thursday with the trainer was fun but hard. I had her dying laughing and she had me dying working. We had fun, the session was supposed to be 45 minutes it lasted 2 hrs. She told me that her managers were speaking sideways about her working out with me so long but eh oh well it's because of her I finally decided to sign up and get a trainer! So I got all of my measurements done and this coming week probably Wednesday I'll meet with a trainer. I think my trainer is going to be the brother of the Denver Bronco's kicker forgot his first name but the last name is Prater. They came into my job and he saw my training journal and asked who my trainer was, when I said I hadn't chosen one yet he's like I'm going to be your trainer most likely. Then his mother and brother scared the hekk out of me saying how he trains hard. AHAHAHAHAHAH. Okay it's time to take these rug rats and my mommy to church, I feel bad for them because I forgot vital pieces to their outfits LOL I told yall I am no fashionista. From head to ankles they look okay but their feet look a bit rough, with the crocs. I hate crocs. Oh well the Lord says come as you are!

fitness stats:
Body fat%: 22.2%
Weight: 125 lbs
Neck: 14 in
Chest: 25.5 in
Shoulders: 39.5
Waist: 30.5
Hips: 35
Bicep R: 11
Bicep L: 11
Thigh R: 20
Thigh L: 19.5
Calf R: 13
Calf L: 13


Locs2Envy said...

Girl you were very brave to deal with all of those babies at the same time. Congratulations on your commitment and dedication to the gym. I haven't been at all this week. I would absolutely kill to have your measurements. I can't believe you are trying to add anything, anywhere...LOL

Naturally Sophia said...

I know what you mena about the kids. I had an adventure babysitting recently. Here is a link that you may be interested in regarding your fitness journey

CheLouissaint said...

Nihuru: Thank you, but I know I'm not going to do it again anytime soon, the next birthday is for my niece and all she wants is dinner and a movie so I'm thanking God she didn't choose Chucky Cheese lol. I think it's starting to get in my system, you need to get your daughter to get on you about it, but you don't want to go too hard and injure yourself where you recently had surgery. I'm really only trying to add a butt!! lol

Sophia: Thank you for the link, I'm going to look into signing up today. I like free! I don't think I was ever that hyper as a kid I don't know what's in the water these days. lol

Locs2Envy said...

I've never had a butt either but I have so many hips I thank God that he didn't give me a butt too. That would have been way too much. I just started a weight loss blog in the hopes that it will keep me motivated. I've just come back from the gym, took my measurements and am about to add them to my blog. It's at

CheLouissaint said...

I'm on my way to the blog now! What I do is plan the gym time if it's in my calendar it's more likely to get done lol, and now it's to the point my body is beginning to force me, like instead of still body woke up at 5 because it thought we were still doing the before dawn thing. It's a crazy thing me if this skinny fat girl can do it you sure can.

PS...I have man hips! SO I need something. Lord was only handing out breast on my day. :)