

7th Retightening

This is two days late it's long YouTube rejected the first for being too long so there are two parts. LOL this video is about a boy well partially, and my locks of course. My locks are 9mths old in this video and this is after my seventh re tightening. Music: Ne-Yo; She Got Her Own (Video 1) Rihanna; Sell Me Candy (Video2)


Locs2Envy said...

Does your family think that you are crazy? I know that they have to walk by your room occasionally and hear you in there talking to yourself (or so it would seem if the door is closed)

You need to get out some more lady. You have too much personality to be sitting around the house talking into a camera all day long LOL.

Patience is a virtual when it comes to men. Don't be in a hurry for headaches and heartaches.

CheLouissaint said...

LOL you have no idea, they're right next to me when I'm recording some of these so you can imagine the faces they're making.

I wish I could get out more I work 5 days a week and school takes the other 2, the gym is my only personal time right now and when I get a chance to do something other than that it's normally a let down.

I haven't found that kindred spirit in this city yet, people here are all about trying to live the big city life and to them city life translates as "hood life" from what they see on TV I assume. I'm trying to get out the hood not glamorize it so we don't mesh & even if I could find someone other than my sister to hang out with it takes a bit for my personality to actually shine through. When it comes to new people I'm a bit stand offish, and when it comes to the opposite sex if they're attractive from this recent experience leads me to conclude lol nerves get the best of me. Eh so yeah, I'm trying it's just not the time for me yet I guess. Oh believe me I'm in no hurry I was just blinded by the sexy lol and that REALLY was the first time so I guess it served its purpose in showing me that I'm not just a tunnel vision nerd I'm a girl inside that notices people, and can have a genuine reaction other than dismissal lol. Sounds weird but no other way to phrase it. When it comes to moi. Oh this is turning into a four page letter, back to the books! :)

new2locs said...

You've just been tagged by me! I love your video's by the way & your hair is gorgeous!

CheLouissaint said...

New2locs-Thanks, aww you made me blush lol TAGGED!! hmmm what to write what to write.