

"Insert Title Here"

YouTube took forever to upload this video, this was actually supposed to be posted last night 10/19/2008.


Naturally Sophia said...

Random, Randomness! Cute, I love your lil soprano voice.

CheLouissaint said...

I've been trying to respond to your comment forever, and it finally let me. Thank you :)

Locs2Envy said...

Whenever I need a laugh after a crazy day at work I go straight to your blog. You remind me of myself when I was your age, especially the silliness with fatigue. OMG! I was a nut I get grumpy when I am fatigued.

Your mom had the most serious look on her face. Yeah, I think that she thinks you are a little "touched". LMAO Have you showed her the video?

Jocey. said...

omgosh what language were you speaking?!
anyway! girllllll you needa get on yahoo so I can design your blog!

Anonymous said...

I'm so mad at the dare it try to take center stage. Your mom is so cute! Love the blanket behind you.

CheLouissaint said...

Nihuru- LOL thank you, I don't get grumpy yet but so far I'm the one that does the waking up or forcing others to stay awake. Oh that's why we call her Ole G, she's a certified gangster lol I guess you have to be when you raise 5 children and you're mommy and daddy. She loves watching herself on my video she thinks she stole the show. (she did with that random hi) lol

Jocey: I was on all day! LOL and it's Kreyol

Meika:Would you believe that blanket is older than I am? lol I'll let her know that someone likes her blanket and finds her antics cute lol;) I secretly like it too. The pimple was just all in the shot huh I wanted to pop it so bad it's almost invisible now so I'm glad I didn't, don't want any dark spots.

lol Thank you again guys!!