I love the free style look believe me I do, but through boredom while trying to study my hands found their way into my hair then next thing I know I wake up with my hair styled lol! Just a simple braid out that has seem to have worked magic with my locks. I see growth like "wow" and it's making me vain I can't help but to stop and take a peek whenever I stop by a reflective surface. It's not my fault really it's the hair, it just takes over! This past week it's been doing weird things like making my hands run through it, it's like their having a love fest...my hands and my hair are just too much. LOL My hair has another trick that it can do, and I really can't believe this but rather then tell you, I thought I'd just show you!!
Isn't it amazing?!?! I'm almost two months away from having my hair locked for a full year and I just keep thinking like wow, time is really flying by.
Here are the pictures of what I did to my hair for the braidout, it's still crinkly but flat. It almost feel as if my hair was relaxed or something maybe from the braidout? Has this happened to anyone where your locks seem to have been stretched thin? I know they'll plump up once I wash them in a few days but for now they feel different. It may also feel that way because my parts are still visible. How dare my hair prove me wrong. Normally the parts are non existent relatively soon but this time they're still showing. Probably again because of the braidout. I like fullness so they need to go ahead and plump back up and do wild things rather than just laying their calmly. Locks have given me an all new form of confidence I actually wore my hair braided back like that to work. Yes I let the five head show y'all and I had no shame in my game. Something about these sister locks that has a girl feeling regal.I'm so proud of my pony tail you guys, this is how I'm going to wear it to work out so I don't have sweaty locks in my eyes. I've been working out and it's killing me not taking pictures to show you all the results but I'm sticking to the 3mths thing. I'm working out atleast 3 times a week and I find that I enjoy going. I'm thinking about taking on some boxing as well one of the guys at the gym offered to train me for free. Now, I just need to find the time to get there when he's able to train me. I'm going to try yoga at the gymt this coming Tuesday night I figure it will keep me out of the house waiting to hear who's the next President. Have you all voted? Well you should no matter which way you choose to vote (unless it's McCain, lol JK)
I've been tagged again so now I have to go and think about six interesting things to write about lol oh jeez. Well it's getting close to the time for me to start work so I'm going to leave you all with this and I'll write my 6 things in another post.
(2nd collage bottom row left is braid out with rollers, bottom row far right is after I'd taken out the braids going straight back. top is just to show you the pre braid out look and it's must me lounging around the apt thinking wow my locks are lol *giggle*)
My locked homie Mely B also had a proud moment with her traditional locks recently she texted me yesterday: "Today I had an amazing moment that I want to share with someone who would understand where my joy is coming from....So today I went to get my hair done and after she washes my hair she alwasy puts me under the dryer. Today when I went under the dryer my drads were too long for me to sit under the dryer. She had to put a cap on my head so all the dread would be able to fit under the drying. I almost cried because I've watched this happen to other and dreamed of when that day would come for me.. Some would call it stupid but for us it's a stepping stone on our way to natural beauty :)"- Mely B
I just had to share her text with you guys because I know that you all will understand.
Sorry I've been away for a while. First let me tell you, you are so silly. I got a chance to view most of your videos and you had me laughing. Anyhow your hair looks great! Congrats on the pony tail and Happy 9 months!
B. Buttahfly- lol thank you!! I can't put it in a pony anymore unless I'm sweating or it's wet lol the braid out had a huge impact on the length now it's back to being wild and crazy like I like it and now I'm 10mths old!! woot woot
thank you! LOL small thing yet great joy
Sorry I've been away for a while. First let me tell you, you are so silly. I got a chance to view most of your videos and you had me laughing. Anyhow your hair looks great! Congrats on the pony tail and Happy 9 months!
B. Buttahfly- lol thank you!! I can't put it in a pony anymore unless I'm sweating or it's wet lol the braid out had a huge impact on the length now it's back to being wild and crazy like I like it and now I'm 10mths old!! woot woot
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