

tagged and other randomness

I shouldn't be blogging right now, what I should be doing is writing my term paper for history. But I figure I've stayed away a full 13days on a quest to get back on the ball and it's only fair that I take a little break right? Well I was tagged last month but I never know what to say about myself really so I had to sit back and think about it. Then I got back a few grades in school and I realized that I was in I don't care mode with some things, so I had to get back on the ball with school...I'm not where I normally am but I think I can salvage a 3.0 for my last semester at this school. This post may be a bit long because I have some catching up to do (no video this time), but let me go ahead and get my tagged items out of the way first.
Okay so I've been tagged again yay!! It makes me feel all tingly inside because that means people actually read my blog and have a vested interest!!

Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person that tagged you.....
2. Post the rules on your blog 3. Share 6 non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself that have not been shared already 4.Tag 6 others.

This time around I've been tagged by: new2locs

-I've recently realized that I was on the wrong path to doing what I really want to do with my life and decided, it's actually okay...when I did that things finally began to fall into place.

-I gave my mother relationship advice when I was four, she loves telling this story. Basically one night I wake up as I hear my dad sneaking back in, I slept in the same room as my parents for a long time! But any how I'm still sleepy rubbing my eyes and in my infinite knowledge I say "Leave that fool heifer" lol jk, but seriously she said I asked why she was putting her self through the back and forth and that she should just leave him. My dads jaw hit the floor and I turned my little tushy over and went back to sleep! Not for the BS at an early age!!

-I'm getting a real room of my own soon- Long story

-I closed the door on someone that I've been back and forth with for a long time and I'm proud that I could do it.

-I voted for the first time this year. (Making this my 3rd historical event that I've lived through and I still haven't had a full reaction to Obama becoming our 44th President.)

-I write romance/erotica stories. (Wanna read one?)

I am tagging....

++Moke- The Secret's Lie With In
++Tosh- On The Road to Queendom
++Cassidy- Growing Up Loving the Curls God Gave Them
++Jocey- She changes her blog name to much!
++Teenz- Mentally Disturbed
++Someone who hasn't been tagged, you're it!!

Okay back to what's been going on in the past 13 days. Well the most important topic is that I am now 10mths old, well my locks are lol. I love my hair I love that if I'm tired I don't have to worry about wrapping my hair I can just plop right under the covers, wake up the next day shake and just go! Who wouldn't want this freedom? I haven't taken much pictures because eh, I don't know why just haven't been in a picture taking mode I guess. I have 3 sets of double headed locks not two, I said that in my last video that I had two but it's actually three. Otherwise my hair is behaving, and I'm loving minute of it, can't wait to hit the 1 year mark and see the crazy growth that so many people speak of.

Okay so that happened and hmm what else oh I have been in a long battle with my gym so long and draining that I couldn't even summon enough energy to get my behind to the gym these last 6days. So this is what happened:

I signed up at a rate for my trainer and was told I would get a certain amount of free sessions, two weeks into my contract I find out they left out the free sessions because I was getting a discount. Well honey that's not what we discussed, and rather than them honoring the deal they tried to stick it to me and make me pay more! What do I look like boo boo the fool? I don't think so I don't have money to waste. Long story short I got them to let me out of my contract without having to pay the 500+ dollar amount with a full refund. They didn't want to mess with me no sir-e bobster! Now, I have another problem because it seems they are not to be trusted with my account information some funny stuff has been going down. So, I'm in search of a new trainer one that doesn't come with a contract preferably. I have a potential candidate, remember Mr. Sexy that I spoke about like 2 videos ago the one that came into my store and made my cheeks turn purple. Well turns out that he was a trainer at one point in time and he's offered to help me out. -giggle- so I'll keep you all update on that as I keep you updated on my fitness journey. I'll head to the gym for the first time in 7days tomorrow. Oh I may take up boxing as well a guy at the gym offered to show me how for free. Yay!! I have the gloves and what nots but I just need to figure in the time to go and learn.

Okay what's next? Do you have people in your life that are back and forth a lot? I do, well it's just one person and I realized it's too childish I'm not down for it especially not for someone I haven't met before. I actually spoke quickly about him in my last tagged posting. But any way so we close the door because he asked me to not speak to him again and when I say okay fine have a good life and mean it he wants to play take backs a few weeks later. I'm 21 and trying to find myself I don't have time for any wishywashy people that refuse to reveal themselves the aura of mystery has vanished and if I see that you're taking away more than you're adding to my life then you have to go. So, when he contacted me last week on some guess who, I didn't know who he was because I erased all his contact information I was not amused and let him know just that. Take that ish somewhere go make real life friends, and real life girlfriends too! I really just needed to vent about that.

Next, last night we went out to a different club and boy oh boy I can't wait to get my BA and move out of this town again! But yeah those type of people at the club reminded me of that. They were a bunch of how would an investment of my time in you benefit me type people and it made me stand back and smile for a second because I think I'm going to be alright. I'm not wasting time just saying what I'm going to do but I'm actually moving forward and doing it. I had my little moment of doubt where I felt like STOP what am I doing am I going to be one of those people stuck in a career because it pays much and I just want to move out the hood? Yeah I switched lanes and I'm happy. I met another guy too, I'm not sure whats going on with that he seems like a nice guy but he curses a lot and I find it so unattractive. I'm not rushing to find a relationship I've been pushing back advances from people that just want to "get some" and although when my girlfriends call me about their love life I wonder what would it be like. I'm okay, I'm learning to love me first so I wont have to put up with the BS. I think a lot of young women don't know their worth when they enter these relationships and they stay in them just for the sake of being able to say they have someone. I guess with Mr.Wishy Washy that's what made me allow the back and forth, I wanted to feel like I was desired by someone of the opposite sex even if that person wasn't real. I needed outside validation and closing that door means I don't need it anymore. I define my worth, I validate myself, and even if my first relationship doesn't happen until I'm thirty, I'm okay with that. I've decided I'm worth too much to settle. I'm going places and I don't have time to baby sit a little boy with a "grown man complex". I want to do my own thing and look at my significant other and have pride and admiration for who he is and what he stands for. I love the way Michelle Obama looks at her husband, I don't know much about their personal lives but they look like what a man a woman should be to each other, equilibrium, the perfect compliment, the missing rib!

Okay I must stop now because my butt hurts and I realize I smell like club atmosphere. Yuck! A lot more has happened but I ramble too much and don't want to bore you. This collage of pictures is just me giving the yuck face to people at the club, random goofyness after the club.

-DiVA Out!!


Anonymous said...

Alot has happened in the last 13 days...I'm so mad your gym tried to pull one on you, they're so good at that. You were straight-up at such an early age...LOL!! That's sooo awesome! Love the club pics!! As far as Mr. Right goes, he'll come along at the right time. Settling is the worst thing a person can do since it does neither party any good. I did it for 4 years and although I will never admit to it being a waste of time, I wish that I had accepted it sooner. Focus on you and what makes you happy and he will come.

I look forward to your updates on the cute trainer..hehe!!!

Oh! I'm also down to reading one of your stories!

CheLouissaint said...

I'm glad they pulled it when they did so I didn't waste all my money. That refund will come in handy. AND maybe having the cutie as my trainer is an added bonus lol.

My mom wishes I wasn't so straight up now she's always shushing me lol.

Yeah settling would be the worst thing, I don't think I could settle any way I'm so picky I might really be an old maid before someone is just right lol. You're right, I just need to focus on me and what makes me happy and when he comes I just might let him share in it! lol

I'd be honored to let you read one of my stories I'll email you one of my drafts right now!