

Under Construction

my page is going through some dramatic changes. i'm trying to figure out this whole html/css coding so that my page reflects more of my style. so bare with me. i'm switching to one post view at a time so for anyone new coming to my blog just go back to old post to view the madness from before. i may switch to having my page hosted by mac since i mean i am paying for iMac or Me whatever they want to call it this year. off to school i go this morning, i really don't feel like going. i gave up on this semester a while back not good, but it's the truth. i turned in my term paper Tuesday, hope i did well. i won concert tickets!! i'm going to see Flo-Rida and Lloyd perform at my new school tomorrow, so i need to make sure to pick up those tickets today. orientation for the new school tomorrow morning...i feel like here we go again. new people, new school, not thrilled...i just want my BA already. i'm so mopey think i need to get back in the gym pronto lol get those endorphins back....guess there's underlying reasons to why i'm such an emo on this subject right now but that's another post. just wanted to say my page shall be funky looking for a little while. peace -diva0ut!


V @ Locks-N-Motion said...

Hey Girl

I see you trying toget your page together, look forward to the updates. Hey I noticed on Nihuru's blog that you were looking for some tutorials for different tools used on locks. Just wanted you to know that I posted a blog about it a few months back(Sept.), and I have a couple videos linked in that post. Hope they are helpful take care.

CheLouissaint said...

Thanks, I'll take a look at them today at work! I'm not sure if I'm ready to DIY yet but if my consultant won't teach me when I move away then I'm going to have to do something. Nice hearing from you!