

i Miss 2008

It seems just like yesterday when it was still 2008 the year my vertical driver's license proclaimed that I would turn 21. So much happened in 2008...okay well maybe not that much but it was a great year! Wasn't it a leap year? That's awesome, 2009 isn't that cool, it's going to be a day short of measuring up to 2008. I mean we spent 366 days together, I didn't even get to say goodbye in the traditional way. I slept as the year left c'est drole. I got my locks installed in 2008, I received my AA degree in 2008.

Yeah okay so 2008 wasn't that great lol but it's 2009 and I can't wait to see what this year has in store for me. Yesterday I picked up my books from school and it was awesome!!! I only had to pay $195.00 that already let's me know that 2009 is going to be a year to save money. Like I still have some of my paycheck left that's great!!!!! Yippe

Back in 2005 I said that in 2009 I would go to California do you think I should? I'm debating about where I want to go to grad school, it's between GA, NY, & CA. I've been to GA, & NY for quick visits, so it would be totally rad<---like that word? *wink* if I actually went to California this year!!! I'm thinking about it no plans for spring break yet, I want to get my passport in case I could leave and go somewhere exotic like Fiji or something wonder how much that would cost in March, and would I need shots? I don't know right now it looks like I maybe taking a family trip to Haiti, but if I do that I can't go where my Mommy is from because she won't relax. Or maybe we could take a cruise, that would be good, you get to see different islands. Hmmm I'm going to look that up.

So school starts Tuesday, and I want to be ooberly excited but I don't know if I will like it, that school is different. It's like stepping back into my high school demographic where I was the only "spot" in the class. Like one of these things isn't like the other one of these things just don't belong :(. We'll we shall see how things pan out. I want to speak to an advisor at the school of communications about doing a Study abroad for the Fall Semester, I heard financial aide would foot the bill so I'm down with that. Wonder what my choices would be as a PR major and Marketing Minor. There's sooooo much I want to see and do this year, I hope I can stop myself from being chicken and do it all.

I'm working on two projects for this year. They're both photo projects. The first one, is that I'm taking a self portrait picture of myself everyday beginning January 5th 2009 and ending January 6th 2010, at the end of it I'll put them in a slide show so that we can see how long my hair grows this year, yay fun isn't it? I know I'm a genius.

Then the second project comes from Yanaboo, she does video blogs on Youtube and she found this photo project online. Where you take a picture a day with something that you did that day. Her video explains it better so watch that! Here is the website link and below are some of the rules and Info:

Why do it?

Taking a photo a day is a big undertaking with big payoffs. Here are just a few reasons why you should consider doing it:

  • Imagine being able to look back at any day of your year and recall what you did, who you met, what you learned… (Often we find it hard to remember what we did just yesterday or even last night, let alone a whole year ago!)
  • Your year-long photo album will be an amazing way to document your travels and accomplishments, your haircuts and relationships. Time moves surprisingly fast.
  • Taking a photo a day will make you a better photographer. Using your camera every day will help you learn its limits. You will get better at composing your shots, you’ll start to care about lighting, and you’ll become more creative with your photography when you’re forced to come up with something new every single day.
  • Bring Your Camera Everywhere
  • Make Posting Easy
  • Vary Your Themes
  • Tell a Story
  • Don’t Stop, No Matter What
  • Post early, post often

    Locs2Envy said...

    OMG D,

    I think you are in major growth spurt. Have you noticed the difference in your length since your December video? Surely you have because I noticed in this last video you have "can't keep my hands out of my hair-itis" and you were "working" it throughout the video...LOL Wow you hair has really grown noticeably in the past month and it is absolutely beautiful. It is very becoming on you. You are a natural beauty.

    I was able to view your latest video (finally) and, like you, I have my ongoing "battles" with my Father also. I don't know why I fight with him so much. He always wins. Just know that he is going to get you to where he wants you to be - by any means necessary. He has given you free will to decide which road to take - the easy one or the rough one - but you are going to get to where HE wants you to be regardless. He had to remove some major obstacles (ex-husband and my business) out of my life to get me to where I am today - and let me tell you it didn't feel good at the time and I questioned him, fussed at him constantly and even stopped going to church but after I got through the madness and was able to see the light, I thanked him and continue to praise him for it regularly.

    Hang in there! I think you have taken a very good step in removing the contacts with all of the negative vibes from your phone.

    You are a very intelligent 22 year old. When I was your age, I was no where near as focused as you are now. Stay in school, by any means necessary and you will have no regrets.

    Alright, I'm feeling like a mother hen now, so I will stop all of the ramblings....LOL

    You are truly Blessed!

    Naturally Sophia said...


    I must admit I carry my camera eveywhere too...mostly for lock stalking.

    I like the idea of a photo everyday but know that I wouldn't commit. I look forward to seeing your updates! And just when I thought your blog couldn't be more interesting...

    Ditto on the maturity thing! I am only a few years older than you but I know it takes a great deal of insight to be young and natural.

    Peace & blessings in the New Year!

    Anonymous said...

    Happy New Year!! Taking a pic everyday sounds interesting. I may try it....

    2009 is going to be a wonderful year for you! You look awesome in hats!

    Afrolady said...

    WOW!! You have more energy and focus than 3 women my age. LOL!! Keep on keepin' on girl and you will have NO regrets in life. Thank you for stopping by my spot. Keep in touch and your hair is my ner inspiration!! Peace Lovie!!

    CheLouissaint said...

    Thank you ladies so so so so much you don't understand how much the words of encouragement touch my spirit!

    Nihuru-You are naturally a mother and I respect your advise even more because you just can't help but to nurture. Thank you for sharing your experience with me. So many believers try to make it seem like their road has always been easy so it's comforting hearing about some one else' humbling experience. The Lord speaks to us in many ways and I believe you comment was placed on your heart to share by the heavenly Father to let me know that this too shall pass :)

    Growth spurt! I didn't want to say nothing because people are already saying I talk about my hair too much but YAYAYAYAY lol some times my hair tries to trick me and show length one day and scrunch back up but it's been consistently showing it's length, oh I definitely have the itis!!! lol Thank you for noticing...aww you made me blush!

    The encouragement I'm getting from my readers, my family, and friends help me to stay focus it's like you all know when I'm ready to break away! :)

    Sophia- Thank you! I think you should try it even if it isn't everyday if you end up with just a few pictures I think it will serve the purpose of helping you go down memory lane when we get to 2010. It's hard for me to remember to take pictures I have to practically force myself to remember. So often "I'm like man I should have taken a picture!!"

    Meikmeika- Thank you, after you last blog post with your hat I had to find my black one.

    Look forward to seeing your pictures if you decide to do so.

    I'm keeping faith that it will be woot woot for 2009!

    Afrolady- It was my pleasure to have found your blog and I knew I was meant to find it just as soon as I read you posting about dance ministry. So, you're stuck with me now! :)

    Again thank you ladies! People my age often consider me stiff...mature is a much better word. :)

    Happy New Year!!!