

I promise I have two heads at sometimes..I say I'm going to do this, and another side of me says "nah uh, we're doing this."

For example, at work yesterday I say I'm going to be passive aggressive..nod and agree, say a lot of "I understand how that could be your perception". If only "we", me and my other self would have just stuck to that plan. I'm going on 22 and it feels like I'm just going through puberty at times, the crazy mood swings people speak about when they're "perioding". Yeah like my word? "Perioding".

Band guy still hasn't called and while one side of me could careless, the other side is being really whack so I had someone change my Myspace password so that I don't know it and keeps my other side from writing him and saying something stupid. Goodbye to Myspace for a while. That's fine with me seeing as before I added him as a friend I had not been using it often at all.

So my one year video still isn't up...pure laziness is the reason...I can't find the song to set it to so I haven't finished it. I finished my first week at the new school and I'm still alive. I think that means it was a good week. I cooked!!! That doesn't happen often, that picture is on my tumblr account. After that there isn't much else new.

Going back to mantra for this week: “the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”- Ghandi

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