

What up What up What up

Hey there!

I'm sorry I left you all with such a sad post at the top for so long but things have been fast paced these past few months. BUT through it all lessons have been learned, like for one...I don't have to always answer my phone or respond to text. Such a simple lesson but it took a long time to come to terms with. I have two phones, an iPhone & a blackberry, and often my laptop is with me. Although I'm proud to say this week my baby has remained at home! People basically have 24/7 access to me, and I feel obligated to respond at times, that is definitely changing!

How am I doing with the lost of my Gui?
I deal with things by NOT dealing with them, I close myself off to the situation and push myself into something that displaces emotions. It's kind of like drinking away ones sorrows. It's not easy especially as I sat here thinking that today is the John Legend concert that we were texting about the night before he passed, I miss him and feel like I took him for granted while he was here. I don't want to do that with anyone else I love. Yet at the same time my emotions seem to have been sealed off. I still haven't cried over Michael Jackson even after watching such a touching memorial service yesterday. I pushed it to the side, even made jokes just to keep emotions at bay. Example: Yesterday driving home w/ my best friend Ludie listening to "The Way You Make Me Feel" and out the blue I say I'm mad Gui gets to meet Michael Jackson before me!

Oh Lord I miss him...

I'm a work a holic. I'm going to learn how to rest and put me first...soon. I've been told that I need to slow down, although right now I feel like life is too short. I'm trying to make a name for myself, make my mommy, family and friends proud so it's full speed ahead to my objectives.

I'm still in school expecting to graduate May 2010, though for my minor I'll still have 2 classes to take that summer.

I'm interning @ Clear Channel Radio w/ Radio Personality Dj Quest of 105.5 The Beat & @ E. Mason & Associates.
I feel blessed to have an opportunity to work close with these individuals, Quest I've known since high school and has helped with all of my annoying inquiries about the entertainment industry, allowing me to hang out at the radio station after school and giving me insider leads. He ultimately landed me the internship with E. Mason & Associates which handles media relations for artist like Rick Ross and Flo Rida.

In the past few mths, I've been on stage with Maybach Music Artist, writing reviews for events that I never would have dreamed attending, traveling to different states to promote upcoming artist, backstage all access pass to shows of artist that I DVR'd, shopping sprees, to spruce up my wardrobe.

Thinking back on these past few months even with the sad moments, it's all been a beautiful and blessed learning experience. While going full speed ahead, I'm coming into my own as a young adult, it's almost as if I'm meeting myself for the first time and I'm so intrigued. Seeing my future by faith and it's strengthing my soul. I'm going to be all right.

Well I've gone on enough, so I'm going to end this post here, soon I'll update you about my hair 1.5 years as of 2 days ago (so proud that I didn't notice that until I just typed it LOL!), new niece, my clothes, my adventures, love? possibly lol. More on the road to my career and any other interesting tidbits or ramblings I can think of.

I really need to blog more!!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey , sorry i have not responded back to you - i have not updated my blog because i have to get a new computer with more memory because i maxed out mine. Not only that i have a major test to study for (RN)which has appear to be challenging but with GOd's help I will overcome. My hair is doing great growing like while fire and still loving the freedom of it all and getting lots of compliments. Hopefully your feelings are mutual...we will talk soon..later