

Change In Plans-Choices

It seems that I won't be able to get my locks on January 5th anymore due to financial circumstances. I'm basically putting myself through school with financial aid and scholarships but all of that has been placed on hold because the last university I attended refuses to release my transcripts. I'll have to pay out of pocket for my tuition and books this coming spring semester which won't allow me to be able to pay for my sisterlocks. I'd be locking 3 days after the final drop date and three days before my first class. My hair is important to me but my education trumps it. Guess I have to be "responsible" and pay for my classes. This sucks!! I can just reschedule for January 18th but that just seems so so far away. I haven't cancelled my appointment yet I'm waiting for some sort of Godly intervention.
That's not the end of it...imagine someone offered you an all expenses paid trip to Hawaii the catch is you have to sit through a training course on how to do your job and you'll be getting paid. Would you go? Well my answer is HEKK YES!!! But the trip takes place the day before my college classes begin and it would keep me out of school for two weeks. I don't know any of my professors so the chance of getting to speak to them and getting my work for those two weeks is highly unlikely. If I get this trip approved which is highly likely seeing as they were going to send me to the Virgin Islands; I'll have to choose between starting school which anyone that knows me could tell you how much I've wanted to get back into school. I've taken 3 semesters off not my choice but life often throws curve balls and I've been miserable because of them. Now I might be able to get back in school if I can come up with enough cash to pay out of pocket, (but I won't be able to get my sisterlocks, which was supposed to go hand in hand) or I could get my sisterlocks and spend two weeks all expenses paid in Hawaii.
What's a girl to do!?!? I know I won't be able to take a trip to Hawaii for two weeks any time soon on my own it's like one of those once in a life time chances, I could always start school in the summer. But then I'd have to make sure that it wouldn't ruin my chances of keeping my financial aid. AHHHH I could just pull my weave out.

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