


I rarely get a chance to sit and write about my hair, and ask the numerous questions that I have, about them. Life has taken a crazy spin, my mother is really ill and right now we're just praying for the best. She's out of the country and it's a gazillion times harder getting updates on her health over the phone from people you hardly know because you haven't seen them since you were 11 years old. None of her children are with her and it's killing me. I need to figure out how to get my passport ASAP. Everyday it gets harder putting up the positive front at work or school no one really knows what's going on so I'm never reminded unless my phone rings, and I am my mothers child I refuse to crumble. This time last year was a very hard time for me. I was living on my own with my best friend, I was jobless, sick, without a car, without electricity, going days without eating, out of school and always on eviction notice. My sister was hospitalized my mother started to become ill and life seemed to be a living hell. Then things took a turn for the best. We all got better, I moved back home, I got a job, became the bread winner of the family and got myself back into school. Taking care of my medical issues as well as trying to help my mother and sister with theirs. The point of all this I guess is that when life has you asking "Lord why me?" You just know you're about to have a break through and things will get better. So, that's what helping me to keep this positive front. I may be gone for a while longer, I'll just keep writing my questions in my agenda then blog them all when ever I can find the time. Pray for us, I truly believe in the power of prayer and I know right now the devil has just peeked into my future and seen that I'm destined for greatness, but I'll stand firm through these storms because this too shall past.


Anonymous said...

I'll be praying for you and your family.

Zay The Gr3at said...

I'll be prayer 4 you, pray 4 me too.