

7mths 6th Wash

It's been a while since my last post, and I guess a lot happened since then. I'm doing better, learning how to regulate my diet to combat with the fatigue associated with anemia. Completed the final summer term 4 days ago not sure what my grades are as of yet, I wrote two papers in philosophy that gained me 2 A's one on "Freedom and Responsibility: Blacks need to take responsibility for their freedom" and the second on "Morals, Slave and Master Morality: Slavery in America a necessity for freedom now". Yea it was hard writing the second one but some how I pulled it off. I bombed the midterm not sure what I got on the final so I'm in limbo as to what my grade is there. As for Oceanography I was averaging a B before the final so who knows. I was on the deans list after the Spring term, so I'm hoping that I keep that position, if the summer term even counts. As of right now I'm just excited that I have two full weeks without school. Hmm what else have I done? I went out one night with the same group again of course. It was actually okay though it made me aware of the options out in about in this miserable city. It seems I'm going to be single for a LOOOONG time. It's one thing when I say I'm not ready for a relationship and a totally different thing when there isn't any thing out there to be ready for. What has happen to the guys? Guess I've had my head buried in romance novels far too long. As for my hair, it's kept up with the stressful days and it's been wonderful. Even going out with the girls that night was okay all I did was gather my hair up with one bobby pin and was out and about looking fierce with nothing but a touch of lip gloss. Decided to treat my hair since it allows me to be so nappturally beautiful so I washed my hair last night finally. I'm not really feeling the sisterlocks shampoo it doesn't get a good lather. I badly want to use some sort of moisturizer in my hair, in a week it will be fine but after washing it feels weird. Right now my hair is curly because of the way I let them dry out. Yeah this post is just a bunch of random lines...I'm still off quilter, so bare with me. Um... I can wear hats! I thought I wouldn't be able to with my hair being short but it actually looks nice. Life in some ways is blah right now, my sister is on oxygen. My mother has good and bad days, last night being a bad one but part of today was good. We all went to church which hasn't happened in a while for me. I need to find a new church think it will help me to know that the burden is not all mine. My mother planned her funeral, she let me see a picture of her casket. Not one that I would've picked. Knowing that almost made me break down in tears to thinking I wouldn't have known what she would want, but today unknowingly to her, she reassured me that she's not going anywhere yet when she palmed my behind (PICTURED). Okay I'm stopping this post now since it's going every which way. Pictures are of my braid and band, braidout bantu, hat, ma famille, and me on my night out! You can click to enlarge. -DiVA OUT


Naturally Sophia said...

Looking good girl! I love the SLs! Those skinny jeans are perfect for you. Nice, glad it's going well with your hair even if romance doesn't always.

Anonymous said...

Well....Seems that things worked out wonderfully with school. Still got my fingers and toes crossed for you to stay on the Dean's List.

You look so cute with the hat on and I agree with were workin those skinny jeans!

CheLouissaint said...

Naturally Sophia- Thank you! The hair keeps me occupied so that I'm not thinking of the love life or lack there of lol! I've been afraid of rocking anything that showed how skinny my bottom is as opposed to the top so I'm glad you think they suit me :)

Meikmeika-Better than I could I have hope I ended the summer with a 3.5 which is great for the horrible start and lack of effort guess is subconsciously I never gave up. The hat is now my favorite run out of the house accessory oooooh thank you ladies guess that's my que to try a few other form fitting bottoms. :)