

Schools Out For Winter!!!

Well no not really but it was just in my head! I can't wait for school to be out I'm so stressed out and I just need my little 2 week vacation from evaluations and grades and papers and test. UGH! This weekend, well tomorrow my locks turn 11mths old so I'm going to treat them to a good deep cleansing wash before I get them retightened on Saturday. I love my hair, it's making me slightly concieted. I'm walking past reflective surfaces and can't help but to do a double take. Hmm what else is going on?

OH my PC died and I have a bunch of papers that I had to transfer to my external hard drive on there so I'm hoping they can save all that stuff :(.

Next topic. PSA (public service announcement). Ladies and gentleman take care of your significant others, if you don't they tend to fall into the hands of people like me. Luckily I'm not a grimey chick, Lord knows how many guys have cried on my shoulders about their no good girlfriends, then proceed to tell me I'm their dream girl. It gets annoying because I'm thinking if so then why are you with this duck? Why am I still single if I'm so great and you keep dating the sucky girls? It never seems to fail that people date the wrong people but oh well it's trial and error. So, basically treat your significant other right, because every one's not as nice as I am. They might steal your boo. Oh and stop trying to change people.

Sorry I had a long conversation last night and I just thought about it now, it was that type of situation so I'm still a bit ticked about it. Okay I'm done rambling, iSleepy!!

My Seinfeld video...a video about nothing!


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