

Update #...? I dunno lol

Hey there!

This post is long overdue, seeing as I was supposed to be posting almost everyday but as you can see that hasn't happen. I've been trying to get a video update on my hair done for weeks but hmph that hasn't been done either. The good thing about it all is that, it's not because I'm lazy or don't have the desire. Because, I do, really I do! It's just that the time management aspect of my life needs some fine tuning. Serious fine tuning,

So, what has the Diva (yeah I still call myself such lol) been up to? Well other than the broken heart episode, I'm still working and interning, I have two internships at the moment and I love them both. If I had the choice to live comfortably and not work at my REAL job I would be doing my internship work full time. I seriously CAN NOT wait to graduate.

Last month I went on a promo tour with an up and coming R&B artist
Cherisme promoting her hot single Fly Mamita, check her out tell me what you think. We were in Miami, Daytona, Orlando, Tampa, Tallahasse, Gainesville, Atlanta, it was tres awesome. I really didn't want to come home and back to work. I missed my family yeah naturally but everything else was like 2 fingers up peace out.

Now, I just really need to work on coming out of this shell I seem to have. I'm not shy, really I'm not but for some reason I come off that way with new people. Even when I try hard not to! It's whack, and I have phone anxiety lol I hate talking on the phone with certain people. I'll text and e-mail like no other but when it comes to the phone I have to lock myself in a closet to have the conversation.

Writing I used to think I was a great writer, well that's what people said to me but I don't have that journalistic style that's necessary as a public relations specialist. I have someone in mind to give me lessons BUT financial constraints.

When I got back, my Dad came with me. Can you believe this man hadn't been to the hospital since I was 2 yrs old? That was in 1989 and come to find out he has diabetes and almost passed out in the apt. So, I was taking care of the pops and the momma dukes and playing referree between them, big love hate thing going on.
School starts soon, hopefully I can get some blogs in and I'm going to take pictures, lots and lots of pictures, and get my but back in the gym! That Glady's and Ron's Chicken and Waffles Ohh it was good but boy did it mess up my imaginary abs!

Well TTYL!

♥ Ch3Che

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