


I got my natural hair fix, checked out some of my favorite blogs, and it's seems everyone is doing great! I've been meaning to blog for Lord knows how long but time just has not permitted. I neglect my hair now, it's the sad truth. I often forget it's gotten longer until someone who hasn't seen me in a while makes a comment. Like yesterday, while in Miami visiting with my cousin she states, "I really like the way your hair is turning out, at first I wasn't too sure but now it really looks good. So, why did you decide to get dreads?"

LOL I'm tired of answering that question and I've come up with a couple crazy reasons:

I don't like to comb my hair.

I'm joining a cult.

Black Power

But truth be told I don't have some remarkable story. It's just what I wanted and it's so much a part of me now that I can't recall a time without them.

When I say I neglect my hair it's not for lack of loving it. It's just that I've become accustomed to not having to fret about it. I can wake up and go, a pony tail is no longer a pony tail it's an up-do. My free style, lets my free spirit sore. I can't imagine going through this time in my life maintaining a weave or straight hair.

I'm in my final year of school taking 27 hrs, 2 internships one locally one in Miami, I work full-time, I'm VP of one club, and Pres of another. It's a revolving door for me, and not having to stop to style my hair is a blessing.

So, I love my locks for giving me one less thing to worry about. I don't mind the compliments they bring either! LOL

I'm 1 year & 8mths into this relationship, it's not always easy but it's worth it!

♥ CheChe


Locs2Envy said...

OMG you have been busy...Welcome back.

CheLouissaint said...

THANKS! I'm trying to be back more often!!!