

5th Retightening

Tuesday I went for my 5th retightening, and it took 2hrs less than it usually does so me and my pockets are really excited about that. I'm starting not to notice a difference after I get my hair retightened. I see the parts again but it's not like blam in your face scalp anymore and I love that. Also, I can see that my hair is getting fuller and I can see length in some places so all that's exciting. I decided to treat myself this month so I went ahead and had my first facial and boy did it do stuff to my face!! LOL when the technician said that it would get worse before I could see a difference she wasn't lying because I sure looked worse. I think the products were too strong for my face because I had burnt marks in some areas and a lot of peeling. You can kind of see it in some of the pictures, although it's cleared up a bit now. I think the natural changes that a woman's body goes through monthly may have caused it to flare up as well. I know mother nature sure has been causing a flare in my emotions and I don't like it one bit. I want the curse to begin end and leave me alone! Oh and I got my second wax too and because I was trying to save money I didn't go to the same place I went to a school for that type of stuff. Pinch a penny, and they had two students doing my wax simultaneously it was crazy funny because they'd pull the strips off and say sorry asking if I was in pain but I wasn't so they were like wow you have an dark side to you. Eh well that's all for this post I have to go into repair mode for my philosophy class I got a failing grade on my midterm so I have to step it up. (Being sick is not an option right right now it's having a huge affect on my grades) Left before right after think you can click for a closer look.


Where was I?

And what the hekk were they feeding me? Wednesday I woke up feeling a little off but I ignored it and carried my lil' happy self to work. I couldn't ignore the feeling of wanting to pass out, I was dizzy my mouth was dry my head was throbbing my tummy I'm thinking it's one of two things I'm hungry or I really need to use the bathroom. That's what my mother always told me she'd be like "go use the bathroom, so you can drink this tea and eat, you just hungry" in kreyol of course. Well after being at work from 7am-12:40ish I decided let me stop on home and try my mothers remedy before I head back to work. All I remember after that was being in bed, my mother feeding me, waking up and it being darker outside me in another bed and my mother trying to get me to drink something. Then I start complaining about not having brushed my teeth and then I'm vomiting. I had a temperature of 101. The next day I ended up at the ER with my sister who was also sick the night before. The blind leading the blind I'm taking her to the hospital and decide what the heck let me get them to check me out as well. I still had the fever so they forced me to take off my hoodie, make me give a urine sample...they still some blood and stick an IV in me. My experience with Dr's whenever I relinquish and go to see one is that they don't really give you much information. This Dr however gave too much information....from Kidney infection to meningitis, Xray and CTscan and probing in exit ways trying to diagnose me. After about 4hrs in the ER and all these tests they admit me. The next Dr I had wasn't AS friendly or talkative I wanted to scratch that heifers face off and ask for another Dr. By this time I'm feeling fine and I just want to go home after feeling like I've been violated worried about my sister who was still in the ER and my mother was home alone. I ended up staying in the hospital until yesterday evening so that's what two and a half days? Yeah. Diagnosis, ileaus, dehydration, low hemoglobin level/anemia. Now, the anemia that's an on going thing and I haven't been taking the time to eat the way I used to so I'll go ahead and take the iron pills and crap but how do I get dehydrated when I've been drinking more water than I ever have in my life. I do not stand in anyones sun so what's up with that? As for the ileaus, I've never had any type of gastro surgery so how to I end up getting intestinal blockage? I don't get sick, other than asthma I'm the healthiest one in the family. So when I get sick I feel like I shouldn't be sick, almost as if I'm failing the people that depend on me. Those two days which my entire family seems to think was Gods way to get me to slow down and look after myself were two of my most restless days. I don't want to be laid up in anyones hospital anytime soon. The journey to keep healthy and fit begins!!


I didn't realize it was 6mths since I'd gotten my hair locked until I was getting ready to go and see Wanted with my sister. The movie is pretty good some parts made me want to be an assassin, wanted to rape Common a bit, but movies aren't as good as they used to be. I saw Hancock too and I'm sorry I didn't think it was all that, again it was good but it wasn't no iRobot, Independance Day, Bad Boys I &II if you get my drift. Though there was a couple parts that I liked. Okay see my ADDism took a hold of me this is supposed to be about my 6mths of lockdom. But yeah as I was playing with my hair because I was already dressed in 15 minutes or less and I was like wow, they're getting a tad bit longer, some of them were feeling harder is certain areas they were looking nappyful. I realized WHOA it's been 6mths I couldn't wait to do some comparison pictures. So here they are!!! Even though the first month I didn't really have a camera nor was I good at getting the right angle with my blackberry so they're not as good but you can see some difference. :) The second collage was me getting carried away with myself. I'm telling you this whole going natural thing just makes you ooze self love! lol peeps!!

Last Sunday my friends from school (my old school) came to visit me! Of course I had to finally be a picture of Mely B who in a way inspired me to finally go all the way natural and actually take the plunge and get locks. I spoke about her in my first post and I've been trying to get her to let me use her pictures on my blog since. So I couldn't take no for an answer. Ms.Vogue is the black queen in the middle and she said she's going to do away with the "lye" so keep her in your thoughts so she can give up that creamy crack!! Ladies it was a pleasure seeing you and I look forward to many more visits. F-F/I-I/U-U FIU! Yeah I couldn't have spent my freshman year with a better group of ladies. I had to dig deep into my archives to find these before pictures of Mel from her first traditional lock install which she took down! Mhm but I'm glad she had them redone because right about now I'm having lock envy and it's all motivation for me to continue on this nappturally me journey! PS...Don't be mad I had to dig up the afro pictures lol!

Ma Cousine

My long lost cousin/ if I say everything I want to say in this post it will be very long so I'll just keep it short and sweet. This is my cousin/sister and her family, they were down in Florida from North Carolina last week and they came to see us. I haven't seen her other than in pictures since 2005 during my graduation. This time their family was one person larger. Ms Mush Mush is such a cutie I couldn't help but to take a bunch of pictures. (Sister/Cousin: natural born cousin adopted by my mother after my auntie passed away. )

Girls Night Out

This is from June 27th but better late than never right? It doesn't take me long to get ready to go out on the rare occasion that I do. Why do you ask? Well because I'm not stuck doing my hair lol. Me and my sister start getting ready about an hour after someone asks us to go out. We know they're still struggling with hair, and clothes when all we have to do is find an outfit spritz a little water add a bit of lip gloss and get it poppin'! PS...Very boring night. We went out to support my sisters cousin who was hosting this event and NOT MANY people showed up other than family I think about 10 ppl showed up and that's the bartenders and waitresses included! Sorry cuzzo but it tanked.


My Addiction

I have a serious addiction and I doubt there is a twelve step program that could rid me of it. I love to read! I can escape in a book the entire day without a care for anything. If the apartment was burning down I think, I'd have to be pulled out of the fire before I could lift my eyes from the pages of my sweet euphoria. I become highly upset if anyone should even try to interrupt me as I try to sneak in a quick dose. Escaping into the lives of the characters assuming their roles as my very own!!! Yeah I have problem lol it's been a while...okay 3 days since I was able to read a full book in one sitting. (Those books don't really count because they were novella's and it was the weekend but an actual full novel in one day has been forever. )Partly because my life is so busy between school, work, and trying to spend time with my family in the few short hours that I get to spend at home. I work 5 days a week and attend classes 3 days a week, my mother and sister receive the few hours in between. They're so understanding and supportive of me and they feed the fuel to my fire which keeps me going rather than giving up to run away and play like other college students my age. 21 one living the life of someone 31...I don't think I've ever lived a life that mirrored my current age. Which is probably why reading has always been my escape and why I never had a boyfriend (that's another post lol). When my friends speak about dates and guys pursuing them I can almost relate because I experienced it too...only not through first hand experiences but through the words of the characters of my books. Wierdo...I'm a nerd lol wow. My family teases me about it all the time but I didn't realize how much my books have been my haven until after I completed this last book. "Nappily Married" I've been so busy lately I haven't really even had the time to sit down and blog. After completing Term A of summer with a 3.5 I jumped right in to Term B and boy is it harder. My arms are being tugged in three directions yet I only have two so you know something just ain't right lol. Any philosophy class was canceled today so I actually had my day off as my day off (other than my orthodontist appt) I decided to drop off a library book then looked at the new arrivals and found "Nappily Faithful" I read the first book in the series (Nappily Ever After) back in high school so rather than coming home to get a start on some reading material or get a head start on an assignment for class I opened up that book and read like my life depended on it. Getting to the last page was bitter sweet but knowing that I have part three to dig into ASAP gave me unexplainable joy. (I love series that follow the same characters.) It was really like a quick vacation from ALL the stress and I feel rejuvenated as crazy as this sounds it was what I needed. The author Trisha R. Thomas is a locked sister! I fully recommend all of her books even though I still have yet to read two I skipped one because the library didn't have it,(I'm a little peeved skipping a section of Venus' life hate messing up the chronology lol) and the last one is in my secret hiding place. Nappily Ever After is being turned into a movie and guess who plays Venus and actually cuts off all her hair? Halle Berry!!! Yeah boy can't wait to see it.

In other news I applied for graduation for this's only going to be my AA but it means that even after my life had been temporarily derailed from my goals rather than giving up when life happened I jumped back in the rat race. It's not what or where I imagined I'd be right now but I feel so much joy that I know there is no where I'd much rather be. If only I could quench the little fear bubbles about heading back to a university when I transfer this spring. In other news look at my half up pony tail!!! It was too hot while I was driving back from campus I had to do something, and I haven't thought to take it down...this last picture is me on my way out to work. I wanted to see what the vest looked like the way I intended to wear it when I purchased it with a shirt lol. Good night all! I have to attend a meeting with the VP of our market this morning and I must get my beauty rest so that I can be prepared and not out shined by anyone else that will be present.