

It's that time of the year

It's that time of year when love is supposedly in the air and everyone around me in a relationship makes me sick and the bitter women not in a relationship annoy the mess out of me. Relationships at this point in my life are just overrated, I don't know many couples that actually have lasting relationships they all seem to revolve around sex. But that's just an opinion maybe somewhere out there young people are having, lasting relationships. People seem to find it strange that I'm 20 years old and I've never been in a relationship, my question is what's the rush? Would you rather me fall into a statistic young, pregnant and on welfare? How about not! I may not be the norm but I much rather it that way. I haven't met that guy yet the one that makes me push caution to the side and say what the hekk this might be worth something. I'm still thinking logically what's the long term, can I see myself with this person for more than a month. The answer thus far N-O. I'm not saying that all guys are dogs but I'd rather not go through the things that many of the women I know are going through.

We had sex and he hasn't called. He's cheating He doesn't think I'm pretty anymore Maybe he'd like it if I cut my hair this way SCREW THAT! I know a lot of people are saying Diva you are supposed to be out enjoying life dating. Worry about all the other things when it happens. Okay I can do that I don't see anything wrong with dating but does a $20 date equate to us necking in the back of a theatre? If it does I'll pass. What happened to those old courtships where you were just friends first? Held hands at a movie instead of dual of the tongues. Lay on a blanket telling life stories rather then doing the horizontal polka? I've only made out with one guy in my entire life and that was after a 5 year long crush my first and last, once I realized nothing would come of it I kept it moving. What's the point of putting myself on an emotional roller coaster worried about who else he's kissing, or why he's kissing me but not moving our friendship to another type of relationship. I've gone out with guys yes but I send them home with a hug and a call me when you make it in safe. Too many people can't be single and it's sad. Every body should be comfortable being alone. Yeah at times it sucks and who wouldn't want that companionship but that's all it is a want not a necessity. I'm getting to the point where I'm rambling so I'll end this part of my post now. I'm not anti-love real love that is I'm just tired of people thinking I need a man or if I mention a new guy that I'm automatically going to jump into bed because it's something I've been missing. This nappy headed diva loves herself more than any one could ever love me. Well my birthday is slowly approaching and I've decided to stay in town. Have dinner with family friends and co workers then dance the night away. Maybe I'll make it into a weekend event, a night of bowling, roller skating, go cart riding then top of the big day with the dinner and the spiffy restaurant and dance the night away. Only time will tell.


Anonymous said...

“love is supposedly in the air and everyone around me in a relationship makes me sick”
I can't Stand it myself. I hate it...Its depressing, at least with me...
“I'm 20 years old and I've never been in a relationship”
We have so much in common, at least you are ok with the whole blog. You seem to be strong about it, at least better than me. I seem to get down this time of the year. I like the fact that you are all like fuck that... YOU GO GIRL. I think...LOVE...LOVE

Zay The Gr3at said...

well uh..we all have our own opinions

Zay The Gr3at said...

i cant tell you that !

CheLouissaint said...

Myst: I haven't always been that strong minded, every body goes through it I still have vulnerable moments. Admitting that I am vulnerable at times helps me to overcome times like these. It takes more than a day.

Zaythegr3at: we sure do...why not share you're opinion?

CheLouissaint said...

zaythegr3at: can't tell me what?