

My First Wash

I tried washing my locks for the first time on Thursday. At first my intention was only to style it differently but my sister said my hair had a funny smell. I couldn't smell anything but big sister would steer me wrong so I had her help me to band and braid my locks so that I could do a quick wash with my SL starter shampoo that came in my kit. I commented on one of Brunsli's blogs and she wrote back! Yeah I felt all extra giddy when she wrote back giving me tips about me being afraid to wash my locks on my own. I paid too much money to mess them up! I washed very gently but I must admit that if felt good standing under the shower spray, and it felt even better not having to sit under the dryer to dry my hair. I just towel dried unbraided and drove to school with the windows down. My hair had a different bounce to it after the wash and I loved that, normally my hair just sticks up. Which I find that I don't mind as much because they are locks.I've received a lot of compliments about my locks as well and that's just wonderful. I'm excited when women ask me about my hair, I especially love the comments from women that think I made the wrong choice. (attempt to wash hair braid and band)One girl said "why DiVA, you were always the pretty girl in high school" I wanted to call her a liar most people didn't notice me in high school I was the smart black girl that got bused in with all the black kids but went to different classes so I never fit in with my thrift store clothing even though my hair was always tight work. Girls spoke to me only because (you can barely see the parts now!)they found out I could do hair. (Being on a dance team with all white girls forced me to have to do my hair.)It wasn't until my senior year that I decided to dress up and try to be "pretty" and stopped trying to go natural, I think that was the longest my weave had ever been my senior year in high school. I had to bite my tongue, yes I know I've always been pretty that's not a lie (lol) but wearing a weave and hiding my natural glory is no better then having my nappiness out in full effect. It was funny when her boyfriend turned around and said that he loved my hair. A lot of black men have commented on my hair they like it, not one negative comment yet, but they are curious as to why I decided to lock up.
I was excited to see that Blaqkofi wrote me back on her blog!!
"DiVa La Reine - I know your locks will rock. My fam teased me too because I was and remain so passionate about my locked journey. But now they understand. You too will be a living, breathing Sisterlock testimony. Your locks will encourage others to step into natural freedom. Thanks for reaching out."
I love her locks, before getting mine I was always stalking her page because I feel as if our hair types are similar. She is so beautiful inside and out and I would feel blessed to have a crown of locks as regal as hers. I really do hope to encourage others to be natural. Lord knows I'm always trying to give my friends that extra push. One of the women at the college I attend is planning to get locks she was checking my out and I shared info about what I did before getting mine and choosing a consultant. She wears her natural hair out and she has a lot of length hopefully she'll let me share pictures of her locks once she has them installed. I know a guy with brotherlocks he's also been giving the woman I mentioned earlier advice about getting sisterlocks. We have the same consultant. It's funny because when we first met I had braids in my hair and I mentioned that I was going to lock my hair, but he didn't offer his consultant's information. It wasn't until we ran into each other a week ago that we found out that we had the same consultant. She does great work, his locks are beautiful. He likes my hair too! He complimented my hair a few times and that means a lot hearing that your locks look nice from a fellow locked person. At least for me it does. I don't have many pictures to post because I recently gave my camera away. The camera on my phone doesn't take great quality pictures. I miss my blackberry! =( So, I'll have to figure out a way to visually document my hair journey. I do have pictures of me trying to style my hair with rollers and didn't work my hair just stuck out everywhere lol! So I just wear it with head bands or just let it do what it wants. (snapping pictures of my hair at work pre-wash) School is going great, I'm way ahead in my math class.My journalism class is a bit intimidating I'm not used to that style of writing but I'm going to have to read more news articles and get into that mind frame, in my chosen career I'll be writing more as a journalist then as a creative writer. Speaking of creative writing...we just had a professor change but it's all gravy! We're writing novels so I'll post up whatever I come up with hopefully I'll get some feed back it will be a romance novel. I got the idea from zaythegr3at, we write stories together because we're dorks and one of our stories gave birth to the idea I'll be using to write this one! Lastly, my Humanities course is very interesting I think my classmates are to the point where they'd wish I'd shut up in discussion so that we can leave class but it's so interesting I can't help but to speak out. I'm writing a paper on truth and beauty using Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye and you know my hair is going to pop up in there somewhere. Back to my hair because I can't ever stray too long! My first re tightening is in a week! I wonder what the prognosis will be. I was supposed to get my first was then so I hope I didn't mess anything up by washing it early on my own.
(my hangout spot at school...)

This post is getting HEKKA long so I'll end it here!


NikkiJ said...

Things are coming along great! I'm so glad homegirl's boyfriend gave you the complement. I've spent plenty of time trying to make myself look pleasing to men. It never made my relationships easier, in part because they just kept trying to see what else they could make me do. Loving myself is way more satisfying.

now_or_never said...

the tattoo on my blog says, "there once was a girl you never knew love, until a boy broke her heart."

now_or_never said...

who* never knew love

V @ Locks-N-Motion said...

Your locks are looking great, glad you love them!

CheLouissaint said...

nikkij: thank you so much for the compliment! yes I was thinking to myself in your face your man sure likes it. I haven't had to adapt my look for a man as of yet and I'm hoping that still remains true when I get into a relationship. No one else can love you quite the way you do. Once again thank you!