

A New Year

So far I'm loving 2008! Happy New Year (a day late)...
What does the New Year mean to you?
For me it means a new beginning when I think of the New Year I think of a clean slate a chance to try again get things I didn't get right in the past year right this year. When I think of New Years I think of freedom because it was on Janurary 1st 1804 that my people "Ayisian" Haitians became the first free BLACK nation. If you were to ever take a look at the Haitian flag you would find the motto : "L'union fait la force" Unity brings strength, united we are strong depends on how you translate it. That's one thing Haiti is not at the moment, the last symbol of unity and freedom we as Haitians have left is Soup Joumou, every Haitian household eats Soup Joumou every year like clockwork every New Year, yet many do not know why. This year I didn't get to eat soup at home with my family because I had to work, but I made sure to bring a huge bowl of soup with me. When one of my co workers commented on the great smell I was eager to share it with her. Not only did I give her a taste of the culture to fill her palet I made sure to fill her mind as well by telling her the story of why my family as well as many other Haitian families all across the world eat this soup. My heart filled with pride in being able to do this, a silent prayer followed. One day my people will reunite, one day we'll remember our past, the struggle for our freedom, and will continue to fight for that freedom. What a wonderful way to start a New Year free, our ancestors fought for nearly thirteen years before the day so that we could be free they initiated this symbol of freedom for ALL slaves ALL over the world. Before 1804, A Haitian slave was NOT allowed to touch Joumou, a delicious and aromatic pumpkin that was a favorite for her white French master. Haitian Slave Diet: He/She was to eat one ounce of salted meat or fish and one bottle of lemonade per day. When our ancestors finally kicked the French out of the island best believe we ate it up like "in your face!!" My ancestors fought the French and we won!
History Facts: Place: Gonaives, Haiti
Nickname: City of Independence
Date: Sunday, January 1st 1804 On Sunday January 1, 1804, the Haitian slaves of yesterday started gathering at dawn at the "Place d'Armes de Gonaives"it was there that Jean Jacques Dessalines mounted the Autel de la Patrie to speak. He made his speach in Kreyol so everyone could understand him. "Liberte ou la Mort!""Liberty or death"Jean Jacques Dessalines declared that Haitians would forever live free and die free. "Cannons were fired, church bells rung, people cheered, and, they say kettles of fragrant soup joumou perfumed the air, ready to be ladled up in a mass communion."
I wish that it had been that easy and only good times followed but Haiti once known as "pearl of the Antilles" is now routinely excluded from travel guides on the Caribbean. Has the lowest literacy rate in the Americas and our people have the lowest daily calorie intake in the western hemisphere. That's why I say my silent prayer that one day we'll truely be free.
How does one jump from that to talk about hair? I wore my natural hair out to work, I was not in the mood to comb it down and re do a weave I mean I might as well seeing as I'm getting my sisterlocks on Saturday yippee! But it was short lived because today I was to lazy to style it so I'm wearing my weave again. One of my scholarships went through! It paid for all of my tuition so it really all did work out I can't wait for Tuesday! That's the day that my classes begin I'll have just completed my locks, my consultant has reserved Saturday Sunday and Monday to complete my sisterlocks so I'll be going to school with fresh locks I need hair accessories, I wonder what I'm going to look like. I feel like the way I always do when school is about to begin, I just want the day to end so that I can sleep wake up and go to school. I'm such a nerd.
Think this is where I'll end this post...I'll write again soon!

Information obtained ( As well as from my Mommy! DiVA 0ut

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