

2nd Wash

I gave it another go, this time bundling them smaller and folding under twice like my consultant said I should do. I was very careful not to pull my ends this time because she said they looked like they had been. I love the feel of water on my scalp but I hate washing my own hair, but I couldn't wait my hair was dirty, like my scalp was flaky, but it wasn't a dry flaky well it sorta was. Oh well the ends still look spiral curly so I'm hoping I did good. We'll see when I go in on the 8th for my 2nd retightening! (Braid and Bundle) Didn't have the digital camera so I had to use my camera phone on the braid and bundle pictures they're a little blurry.
This has to be cut short because I'm at work!
( After wash at work)


Anonymous said...

Your locks look great!!

CheLouissaint said...

meikmeika: thank you, can't wait until I get that growth spurt!