

Test & School Work

I need to stop procrastinating when it comes to my school work. I'm upset right now that I scored a B on my math test but it's my own fault because I skipped one class and I waited until last minute to do the assignments. I chose to work and go to school full time so I need to live up to the task. I was up until 1am last night trying to get all my homework done in order to take this online test. I'm still sleepy and I don't understand most of it. Now, I have to find something to wear to school and I still need to read Jean-Paul Sartre 'Existentialism and Human Emotions' by 11 am for discussion in my Humanities class, and it doesn't end there because I have to read 'Sources and Online Research' for my 3:30 pm Journalism class, atleast I completed the writing assignment for that class. Guess I'll be staying after to get tutoring so that I can retake this test. That means I'm going to be dressed like a bum for class today because I need to read all this crap before 11am, no time to get prettified. Get on the BALL!


Anonymous said...

I'm amazed you have time to get prettified with going to school and working full-time...phew..

I do wish you the best of luck through your day and all your readings.

CheLouissaint said...

meikmeika: Jean Paul Sartre is a beautiful mind but reading that book confused the hekk out of me, discussion cleared it up a bit. I did all that reading and my Journalism class ended getting cancelled. The day I actually read the assignment completely lol.

I rarely get to prettify myself at work I'm conformed to a uniform so, two out of three days I have class I have to get myself out of the rut. I usually end up in sneakers though. Living on a college campus I went to class in PJ's but as a commuter a little more effort is required.

Thank you for commenting my blog makes me feel special!! lol